by hlsswp | Mar 30, 2022 | Adjudicators Orders
Does a lot owner have to seek permission from the Body Corporate to make an improvement to common property? A topic that we write about regularly is applications from lot owners seeking permission to make an improvement to the common property – by installation of...
by hlsswp | Feb 24, 2022 | Adjudicators Orders
Can the Chairperson of a meeting rule a motion out of order? If so, what are the rules around this? Section 98 of the Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 2020 “(Standard Module)” provides provision for a person chairing a meeting to...
by hlsswp | Jan 25, 2022 | Adjudicators Orders
What’s in a doormat? This month we explore a recent order where the Body Corporate issued a contravention notice to a resident for placing a doormat on common property. Is a doormat considered to be a nuisance, a hazard or a safety issue for other owners and/or...
by hlsswp | Dec 19, 2021 | Adjudicators Orders
Do you know who is responsible for the fencing at your property? Is it the Body Corporate, the lot owners, or the neighbour? Fencing is an item that, as Body Corporate Managers, we deal with on a very regular basis including obtaining quotes for replacement or...
by hlsswp | Nov 26, 2021 | Adjudicators Orders
Can a lot owner make an improvement to common property that will only benefit that specific lot? A requirement of a Lot Owner, wanting to make an improvement to the Common Property, is to seek the relevant approval prior to proceeding with the improvement. It is worth...
by hlsswp | Oct 26, 2021 | Adjudicators Orders
Can a lot owner refuse access to their lot to a contractor, engaged by the Body Corporate to complete maintenance? Section 163 of the Body Corporate and community Management Act 1997 states: In this months adjudication order, the Body Corporate sought an order from...