Pets, pets, pets. What’s reasonable?

Pets, pets, pets. What’s reasonable?

As a Strata Community Manager, one of the most regular application forms received from owners, occupants or property managers is for the keeping of a pet within a lot.  This can then also flow down into complaints received if the animal is not being kept within the...
Emergency Expenditure Refresher

Emergency Expenditure Refresher

What constitutes as emergency expenditure? Under section 243a of the body corporate and community management act 1997 it states; example of emergency circumstances – a burst water pipe the repair or replacement of which exceeds the body corporate committee’s...
Validity of Motions

Validity of Motions

More and more, when reviewing Adjudicators orders, we are seeing a trend of requests for motions to be invalidated is upheld – on the basis that the motions were not valid in accordance with the legislation. In November 2017, we wrote an article around how motions...
Quotes & General Meetings

Quotes & General Meetings

If maintenance work is above the Committee Spending Limit, set at $200.00 x the number of lots unless this has been changed at a General Meeting, and is required to be included as a motion at a General Meeting, whether Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary...
Are owners required to act reasonably?

Are owners required to act reasonably?

In many of the adjudicator’s orders that we have reviewed outcomes from Annual General Meetings, Committee Meetings or VOCM’s have been overturned on the basis that the decisions made were unreasonable and these orders have generally been sought by Lot Owners. Now...
Approval at General Meetings – Resolution Type

Approval at General Meetings – Resolution Type

It is important that when a Body Corporate is proposing a motion for work to be done, at a general meeting, that consideration is given to the following: are the works involved “maintenance” or are they “improvements” to the common property; andwhat is the cost of the...